is a treasure trove of user-submitted cruise ship and port reviews, and the website is celebrating its 100,000th review by sharing some interesting insights into cruise industry trends as gathered from its data.
The First Time Is the Best Time
The website has ascertained that first-time cruisers rank their first sailing about 10 percent higher than seasoned cruisers rate their voyages. Perhaps it comes as no surprise that cruise ships will make a grand first impression on the uninitiated, not knowing exactly what to first expect. Next cruises are not necessarily poorer, but once travelers get a taste for cruising, they are likely to raise their expectations a bit more for those sailings to follow, and cruise ships are ever evolving to wow them each time.
People Are Having More Fun on Cruises Than Ever Before
The recent effort of cruise lines are clearly paying off as high satisfaction ratings have increased. shows from 2006, 2011 and 2016 samples that more users are leaving five-star reviews than ever before – 36 percent in 2016 versus 25 percent in 2011. The website sees improvements in entertainment and dining contributing to the uptick, particularly flashier Broadway-style productions and more partnerships with celebrity chefs. As private accommodations also get more comfortable, especially larger bathrooms and showers, hopefully those scores will continue to rise accordingly.
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