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  • Writer's pictureJason Leppert

Amp up Relaxation With Princess Cruises Beds and Seabourn Cruise Line Spas

Carnival Corporation is on a mission to treat its guests royally onboard its Princess Cruises and Seabourn Cruise Line brands. So, Princess presents its Princess Luxury Bed for better sleep, and Seabourn is delivering spa treatments from Dr. Andrew Weil.

Princess Cruises

In its seventh annual Relaxation Report by Wakefield Research, Princess discovered that 72% of working Americans take off at least one day per year just to sleep, and 40% take five days or more annually to simply catch up on sleep. Alternatively, 68% have used a vacation day not as intended: either for family emergencies (37%), doctor’s or dentist’s appointments (36%), sick days for their children or loved ones (31%), home projects (23%) and running household errands (23%).

Even 65% of millennials, including yours truly, say that they opt out of certain events and activities on vacation because they feel too tired. Also keeping Americans up at night are the current election proceedings with 54% claiming Donald Trump for restless nights and 46% Hillary Clinton.


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